This is a monthly in person card making class. There will be an instructor to walk you step by step on how to create beautiful and fun cards. In this class you will receive a kit which includes supplies to make card, tags or a craft project depending on which kit we will be using. Class duration is 2 hours so you should be able to make at least three of the cards in the kit but you will have enough supplies to finish the other 6-9 cards at home. Craft kits should be able to be completed during the 2 hour class time.
Things to bring:
—A good pair of paper snips (scissors)
—A bone folder (for creasing score lines on the cards)
—Tweezers to help hold smaller die cut pieces
Note: It’s best to bring the above mentioned supplies but if you do not have any you can still attend class as I will have few on the table for community use.
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